Second thought: Pundintry is for jaw-dropping Hewittisms as in "oh no he di'int".
Occasionally and without good reason more of something will appear on this site. Also, Michelle Malkin.
Who'd eat shit on a plate for the crown?
Gargle urine and swallow it down?
It's our man John McCain
Letting pols run a train
And he'll either be king or be clown.
John McCain's sending Valentine's notes
To those sowing political oats
"I'm a faithful factotum
Who'll slurp crabs from your scrotum
If you can deliver me votes."
Go read or write a book, or something. You certainly don’t have what it takes to fight, or even help fight a difficult war. With benefit of hindsight, I’m forced to assume you never really did.
When life hands you a dead kid, make dead-kid-ade.
"Yeah, he nailed me, but misquoting a post in which I call Pelosi 'Granny Rictus McCadaverImplants' as a parody of the left's fondness for writing 'Chimply McHalliburton.'"After which things are more entertaining.
What is even more sad and pathetic than Ace and Godlstein/G-dlstein spending hours posting here is that someone else may have pretended to be them and spent hours posting here..............And Ace....I like to call Bush ChimpyMcFlightsuit |
I like to call Bush ChimpyMcFlightsuit |
I prefer the first AWOL cokehead, myself. |
Commander Codpiece? |
Lord Clutchpearls? |
Swirly McClutchbucket? |
Mission Unpossible? |
PS. Spelling mistakes aside, he really, really, really wants to avoid being called 'Junior' |
Baco T. Shortbuss? |
Strategochump Van Dough? |
¡El Gato Negro! said,
January 27, 2007 at 22:37
¿Joo know what makes weengnut heads explode?
A new Spocko Video from Dan McEnroe
Vamanos, go and see, then post eet on jour blogs, and email eet to everyone joo know. (esp. jour fave weengnutbars)