Occasionally and without good reason more of something will appear on this site. Also, Michelle Malkin.
Sickly-sweet... woe is the person who assumes sweet is somehow safe. More people puke from imbibing those than from drinking a real drink.
Consume enough of them and you won't care.
my friend went to a Ukraine restaurant in LA and the waiter served him "the national drink of Ukraine". it was a tumbler of warm vodka with a pickle floating in it.it's my favorite story ever.
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Sickly-sweet... woe is the person who assumes sweet is somehow safe. More people puke from imbibing those than from drinking a real drink.
Consume enough of them and you won't care.
my friend went to a Ukraine restaurant in LA and the waiter served him "the national drink of Ukraine". it was a tumbler of warm vodka with a pickle floating in it.
it's my favorite story ever.
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