Occasionally and without good reason more of something will appear on this site. Also, Michelle Malkin.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Obama Will Lose
Obama’s association with Bill Ayers is not the only story in this election, lieberals. In fact Obama has also been seen laughing at sadistic terrorist bombings, cackling as delusional maniacs use explosive devices on innocents for seemingly no purpose.
In advance of API’s full presser on this matter, I have obtained a picture of the crazed bomber in question, added below. Obama is finished.
Shouldn't that be "Obama Will Loose"?
Good orthography is the "Mein Kampf" of Liberal Fascism, after all.
I thought they were saving that picture for Monday...
Thank you for blowing the lid off this sinister plot.
Pretty explosive news, if you ask me.
I wouldn't think they would bang it out so close to the election. Not enough time for blowback.
Snag set it off. He's always priming these things. Always trying to ignite controversy.
Someone's got to light a fire under Rotten. He keeps making these incendiary claims.
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