Is Christmas here yet? Yes? No? Anyone?UPDATE!
A telling Google search. Is
The bright side:


Value compared:

Occasionally and without good reason more of something will appear on this site. Also, Michelle Malkin.
Is Christmas here yet? Yes? No? Anyone?UPDATE!
Burt's not using enough [br] tags.
Also: Bub, I've got an eff bomb to return to you. Should I drop it here?
Zombie bastards attacking the Prelutsky assignment...
I was wondering about Burp and the ACLU making people take Christmas wreaths off apartment blocks so I applied the Googlaciousness and found a story which sort of matches up. Except that it's not the ACLU it's the homeowners association and they are getting riled up about a peace sign shaped wreath which could be a symbol of Satan. Oh, and it was 2 years ago and they eventually backed off. Here Hmmm, now Beret could have sekrit knowledge about this shameful event but even Googleismo could only find this story and Berk's article.
So I just don't know ...
Well, the Google can find this article 63 times so that should count for something.
The trouble in Kan's ass...
Bertie is UNTRUE?
oggick, indeed.
The onset of senility has revealed Burt's sense of humour to be bitterness, and weakens his command of the facts, so he resorts to making shit up. Also he's a mendacious old hair-ball.
I think it was George Orwell who said that.
Maybe he's forgotten he's written it before and he's an aged Pierre Menard, coming up with the Quixote in a new context.
The good Herr Doktor, have you seen the wordpress tags thing page containing such gems as (lists wiv bullet points)
# ul - HTML tag will insert an unordered list, or wrap the selected text in same. An unordered list will typically be a bulleted list of items.
it is hereOf course you have seen this page and know of some vasty technical reason why it cannot work, but I am a simple raccoon penis bone carver and do not know of such things.
It's the complicated raccoon penis bone carvers that break your heart.
have you seen the wordpress tags thing page containing such gems as (lists wiv bullet points)
Well. We can but try those features in S,N! threads and see which ones the mgt. have enabled. Bearing in mind that the Preview box is almost as meretricious as Burt, and is prone to misrepresenting the final appearance of comments. Also it told me that my bald spot is hardly noticeable.
For some reason, Brian O'Blivion comes to mind.
Bianca O'Blivion: My father has not engaged in conversation for at least twenty years. The monologue is his preferred mode of discourse. Long live the new flesh!
Oooh, the ACLU. Bold and gutsy pick, Bart.
Bold and gutsy in 2003 maybe...
It's the complicated raccoon penis bone carvers that break your heart.Don't talk to me about those bastards
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