She's not looking at 2012; but in eight years by 2016 she will be far more savvy, still young, and far more experienced. It matters not all that the Left writes her off as daffy, since they were going to do that whatever she did; the key is whether she convinces conservatives in eight year of travel and reflection that she's a charismatic Margaret Thatcher type heavyweight.As we know, conservatives are notoriously skeptical so Ms. Palin will have to work hard.

Palin’s move just puts yet more pressure on Obama to finally get some results, as the soaring rhetoric isn’t hypnotizing the plebes like it used to. This week Helen Thomas, Colin Powell, and Warren Buffet all turned on him. Polls are looking droopy for The One lately.
Obama’s porkulus program is a train wreck, all it’s done is bump interest rates and tank the dollar. We are being laughed at by bad guys like Tehran, Pyongyang, and Al Qaida who amazingly turned-down Barack’s timid friend-requests.
Palin could trounce him in 2012, when Americans would vote for the Gipper-in-Heels in droves- while begging for lower taxes, free enterpise, a defense posture with some backbone… an end to the radical, anti-American nightmare we’ve got now.
Go get ‘em Sarah-
Maybe I should be Leftous.
Who's going to be Yoda?
Good lord not 2016 Victanus Maximus, the auguries are bad for that year! She may have to be frozen until the time is right for her!
Due to excessive mining, supplies of Reaganite are nearly gone. Overuse by the genital wash industry is largely to blame.
The Google tells me this isn't the first time this Gip-in-Heels Maggie comment has been posted on the internets. It has also led me to the revelation that the Palin Buddha has with her resignation achieved the state of supreme liberation.
It matters not all that the Left writes her off as daffy, since they were going to do that whatever she did
Doesn't Megan McArdle hold the IP rights on this line of argument? ("Liberals were going to warn of (a) the bubble bursting in the sub-prime market (b) an economic downturn (c) absence of WMD (d) an invasion of Iraq turning into a quagmire ANYWAY so I'm going to ignore their reasoning"). I trust that VDH is paying royalties.
Doesn't Megan McArdle hold the IP rights on this line of argument?
I believe the free market will settle the question.
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