Whatever you think of Palin, her argument for resigning was the opposite of "rambling" and "incoherent."How does it serve Ann Coulter to prop up Sarah Palin? Surely Coulter is bright and vicious enough to leave Palin to the tabloids and move on to some less embarrassing authoritarian monster.

Wait. She actually made an argument?
I think she made several over the course of eighteen minutes, thus giving rise to the claims of rambling and incoherence.
Especially as, while they are dishonest and vicious, coulters arguments do tend to be coherent, so we have reason to believe she can recognize it.
I guess its mostly a case of, if you're going to narrowly and exclusively support the republican party rather than even a specific ideology, you're kind of stuck with the boobs, clowns and ne'er do wells that are all that remains in the public eye.
If you can't vocally defend Palin, Inhofe and King, you might as well fold your tent and move in with arlen specter...
Everything changed on August 29th, starting with our understanding of this thing called "argument."
Besides, making a coherent one would be politics as usual and not maverick.
I enjoy the "opposition research" stuff she's talking about.
That'd be "news".
If you can't vocally defend Palin, Inhofe and King
But the thing is she doesn't have to defend anybody at all. People will be satisfied that Ann Coulter is doing her job if she picks on any one of hundreds of democrats or news items involving the homeless getting sprinkles on their doughnuts instead of plain glaze.
Palin's specific words may have been a jumble, but the trope is clear: I am the victim of relentless liberal persecution.
that picture made me scream.
I imagine if you get drunk enough to go to bed with Coulter, that is the view you see when you wake up.
I am the victim of relentless liberal persecution.
I was once the victim of a high-school teacher who bothered to calculate the grade I had earned: 8%.
I have long been the victim of relentless law enforcement persecution...
I'm sorry, what?
It's not? Say it slower.
"Prosecution"? And that's different?
Well, graticia
that is the view you see when you wake up.
Allow me to fix that for you.
You want persecution? Look at what this liberal bull did to this poor man in the funny outfit. Sharks, bulls, oppo research. What will Obama unleash next?
(WARNING: Possibly unfit for work and all that, and apologies for linking to a Venezuelan tabloid but it's the only place I've found so far that has a photo gallery with all the goods.)
that is the view you see when you wake up
While the might before would be this
Helter coulter
Helter coulter
When she gets to the bottom
She goes back to the top of the slide
Where she stops and turns
and goes for a ride
It does have a nice caedins, thanks Capcha
Coulter has recently been showing some definite signs of tweaker-skankicoccus.
Actually, Coulter writing--at least content--may suck mo' than like a failed porn star on a sepulveda friday, but she's sort of entertaining, like Mata Hari style. She appears to have read some HS Thompson at one point (though forgot it when IWE started rolling). Gonzo gone rightist.
none of that stuff is as scary as those soulless eyes, staring fixedly into yours as the Coultata Dentata chews your weiner and spits it out.....
These new in-your-face GOP pundits like Coulter aren't really bothered with arguments, specifics, facts. Ethics complaints? Who the F. cares about that but prissy- sports hating liberal byatches?? And those complaints are costing the good citizens of Alaska! (at least non-lib-byatch ones).
Coulter markets a product: the conservative agenda (or what has become the con-agenda). She's like some loudmouthed hag on the phone in some boilerroom selling stocks or insurance or something, though a bit more rhetorically gifted than most.
Let's not forget Annie C. formerly shagged Guccione Jr.: some rumors persist around El Lay that Ann did a bit of porn back in the day, along a bit of coke.
Now, back to inventing some clever Palin-Coulter lesbian joke.
Yet another Duh.
That's a babe that likes her blow.
And the goddam hell of it is she gets given, yes GIVEN the good flake. Not a bunch of hit, just a nice buffer and 70% right out of the precipitate. And let me further point out that it wasn't gasoline.
Y'know, I like the real clean blow. But I don't even know where to even start to LOOK for it. It walks into her apartment and makes itself into lines on her coffee table.
God. Dammit...
I guess she's just glofted
Coulter markets a product: the conservative agenda
Yeah, but she still doesn't need to be that by boosting Palin. I understand the delusional shit-for-brains types not getting it, but I thought Coulter was a principle-free pragmatist who'd ditch a loser in a heartbeat in order to remain allied with her power elite.
In other words, I'm surprised that she's showing interest in a person at the expense of her team.
yes mikey a bit obvious to many, but not to some of these Greenhorn-crats coming up.
She's got a connection to Murdoch/Fox, which is right next door to all sorts of high-powered executive/investor phunn--Century City, babe, where it costs more to park for 8 hours than most of us make in a day. Murdoch probably has a staff member pick up the flake from LAX on Friday AM, along with the strippers, chow, stoli, stogies, etc.
I'd like to see her, um, good clean conservative Snatch. Well-manicured I bet
Such pretty green eyes she has.
Shore duz.
You are a BAD PERSON RB.
I just spent 2 hours working out my tax, and my head hurts badly (which arguably is my own fault for complicating the situation with bank accounts in too many countries, but let's not go there). Many beers are required now. Many many. I come here seeking a haven of calmness in the midst of the maelstrom.
Did you have to do that animation thing with the eyes?
"What animation?" asks RB disingenuously.
"Well I fucking hope that it's animation" says Another Kiwi, anxiously.
El toro que le sacó las 'vergüenzas' al torero
I don't speak Spanish, but that sounds really dirty and I would probably pay extra for it.
O, that's not a good thing to look at first thing in the morning on too little sleep.
"The bull that took out the man-meat of the bullfighter," mo' or less (no google, ese).
Ah Annie with those ojos de verde, stoner-spiraled ! Wow. Actually expected pure nordic-SS blue.
Ha, the eyes are great. Do they twist the other way when she's south of the equator?
I looked in the mirror and my eyes was a lot weirder than her eyes was.
It hung her up...
none of that stuff is as scary as those soulless eyes,
she's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until she bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'...
You know, if you play with the Blogger template a little you can have two pictures sit right beside each other without a border between them..
Looked in the mirror this morning and my eyes were normal, but the rest of my face was going all spirally around them.
Mmmm, akvavit.
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