308813062 (1 day ago) Show Hide
People are ridiculously stupid. They rate poorly the comments of those who are for Tom, and those who are against him get good rates! FU! Rate my comment however u want, I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT!
I just got this stupid account and it's already downloaded the contents of my brain:

308813062 has a prior comment in Russian. Let us use the Interhorn of Plenty to sort it all out:

Those who rate for Tom are the dustcloths of history!!
But how many rates against Tom can accrue before someone is tricked into swallowing dynamite? A troubling situation.
How about the comments for Tom's cousin? Or that dog that sometimes helps Jerry? This can get complicated.
On the update: You Tube knows your heart. And in your heart, Creed and Nickelback are loved.
Where are the Tom and Jerry shreds videos?
Sounds like your job is cut out for you, RB.
Actually, I'm only commenting because the captcha is "mousing" and I couldn't resist.
Where are the Tom and Jerry shreds videos?
Does this count?
Oops, let me try that Ctrl C and Ctrl V again.
thenthelightningwill (13 hours ago) |
I will join you in rating for Tom!
308813062 (2 days ago) +2 |
People are ridiculously stupid. They rate poorly the comments of those who are for Tom, and those who are against him get good rates! FU! Rate my comment however u want, I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT!
Take that, Another Kiwi!
RighteousBubba (27 seconds ago)
I TOO RATE FOR TOM. Jerrymandering must stop!
Your people are the crazy type who rate for Tom. He is the no good cat with the dynamite and such. I fart in your general direction
Cease the Tom-twisting Jerrymiads!
Somehow I imagined the contents of RB's mind as containing more hamsters.
That's the other end.
Oh! Yeah , well if you had mentioned the interstellar flight, first off...
I am sorry, I was covered with quick-drying cement and I could not move until I was released by a big whack to the head with a mallet.
Always with the quick drying cement and the mallets.
You ever try putting mustard in the cee-ment? Hooo baby!
Evidently RB is a character in a Harry Mathews novel.
I am indeed like someone out of one of those page-turny things that is not a TV.
Cigarettes is a novel about the rich and powerful, tracing their complicated relationships from the 1930s to the 1960s, from New York City to Upper New York State. Though nothing is as simple as it might appear to be, we could describe this as a story about Allen, who is married to Maud but having an affair with Elizabeth, who lives with Maud. Or say it is a story about fraud in the art world, horse racing, and sexual intrigues.
I take it that this book is not written in the key of E?
Who is Propo and why does he put his name into the Capcha?
I am indeed like someone out of one of those page-turny things that is not a TV.
The forward button on a browser?
I take it that this book is not written in the key of E?
Mathew's mate Perec wrote Les revenentes,* which is in the key of E, since it eschews all other vowels. This was his way of using up all the 'E's left over from writing La Disparition.**
* Translated as The Exeter Text: Jewels, Secrets, Sex.
** Also A Void.
I already said not a TV so WebTV does not count.
Ahh, sweet deletion powers.
I sad you're not a TV, too!
Captcha= Burmance: remake of Busby Berkeley's "For Myanmar Gal"?
Once again someone refers to some imagined mistake that is not there. Time-travel: boon or curse?
Tigris gets to choose anyone on facebook as their friend, for "Myanmar gal"
Time travel is good except for when you come back and find that dinosaurs and shit are the rulers just because you shot Jesus.
Captcha= Burmance: remake of Busby Berkeley's "For Myanmar Gal"?
I loved when all the dancing girls turned into the face of Yul Brynner.
Let us use the Interhorn of Plenty
Also known as the Pornucopia.
It's a series of RUBES! Tangled up RUBES!
A series of pubes?
Massive massive pubes!
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