Sunday, March 29, 2009

Michael Steele Revealed


Anonymous said...

Michael Steele is the worst thing to have ever happen to the GOP.

How can one rebuilt a party by calling it's members Nazis as Michael Steele did when he nodded his head in response to someone calling them that.

Righteous Bubba said...

Michael Steele is the worst thing to have ever happen to the GOP.

Hmm. I would have thought another name would come to mind.

But yeah, Steele's something of a problem.

Another Kiwi said...

The problem here is the common confusion of the terms Radical and Radial. Given the visual evidence of Mr. Steele's ability to fly it can be surmised that these are aeroplane engines. It is therefore a reasonable to conjecture that Mr Steele is Two Radial and the engines in question are probably Pratt and Whitney engines. Note the engines made by Pand W were divided into five distinct groups: The Wasp Junior, Wasp, Hornet, Twin Wasp and Twin Wasp Junior Given his age Mr Steele is probably has the Twin WASP engines or given his party maybe the Twin WASP juniors.

J— said...

Jesus, it's General Grievous grafted onto Don Surber the Hutt. Talk about a disturbance in the force.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

How can one rebuilt a party by calling it's members Nazis as Michael Steele did when he nodded his head in response to someone calling them that.
This seems like the kind of refreshing honesty that has been sorely lacking from the GOP.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

channeling Terry Gilliam?

Righteous Bubba said...

channeling Terry Gilliam?

I would really like to channel people who do less work than that.

J— said...

Steele cracks me up every time he boasts, "Hey, before there was Senator Obama, there was Lt. Governor Steele!" Maybe if he says it enough times, I'll forget about that former governor of Virginia, the entire Congressional Black Caucus, and all those mayors of major cities and only remember Michael Steele, one-term Lt. Governor of Maryland.

Righteous Bubba said...

Also "Remember the Oreo!" Or not, as the case may be.

herr doktor bimler said...

Michael Steele is the worst thing to have ever happen to the GOP.

The GOP is a broad enough tent to have more than one worst thing happen to it.

No thanks, Capcha word. I tried 'pultu' once before, and woke up two days later in a gutter. Not my usual gutter either.